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2024-06-14  点击:[]












1. Hua QZ, Chen CB, Xie FF, Zhang ZK, Zhang R, Zhao JT, Hu GB, Qin YH. A genome-wide identification study reveals that HmoCYP76AD1, HmoDODAα1 and HmocDOPA5GT involved in betalain biosynthesis in Hylocereus. Genes, 2021, 12: 1858 (JCR 2)

2. Hua QZ, Chen CB, Noemi Tel Zur, Wang HC, Wu JY, Chen JY, Zhang ZK, Zhao JT, Hu GB, Qin YH. Metabolomic characterization of pitaya fruit from three red-skinned cultivars with different pulp colors. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2018, 126: 117-125. (JCR 1)

3. Hua QZ, Zhou QJ, Gan SS, Wu JY, Chen CB, Li JQ, Ye YX, Zhao JT, Hu GB, Qin YH. Proteomic analysis of Hylocereus polyrhizus reveals metabolic pathway changes. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2016, 17: 1606. (JCR 2)

4. Hua QZ, Chen CJ, Chen Z, Chen PK, Ma YW, Wu JY, Zheng J, Hu GB, Zhao JT, Qin YH. Transcriptomic analysis reveals key genes related to betalain biosynthesis in pulp coloration of Hylocereus polyrhizus. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 6: 1179. (JCR 1)

5. Hua QZ, Chen PK, Liu WQ, Ma YW, Liang RW, Wang L, Wang ZH, Hu GB, Qin YH. A protocol for rapid in vitro propagation of genetically diverse pitaya. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 2015, 120: 741–745. (JCR 1)

6. Ren Y, Hua QZ, Pan JY, Zhang ZK, Zhao JT, He XH, Qin YH, Hu GB. SKP1-like protein, CrSKP1-e, interacts with pollen-specific F-box proteins and assembles into SCF-type E3 complex in ‘Wuzishatangju’ (Citrus reticulata Blanco) pollen. Peer J, 2020, 8: e10578 (JCR 2)

7. Xie FF, Hua QZ, Chen CB, Zhang LL, Zhang ZK, Chen JY, Zhang R, Zhao JS, Hu GB, Zhao JT, Qin YH. Transcriptomics-based identification and characterization of glucosyltransferases involved in betalain biosynthesis in Hylocereus megalanthus. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2020, 152: 112-124. (JCR 1)


